12. ImageChops logical_and

12.1. Logical_and

Use the ImageChops.logical_and(image1, image2) method to return an image that is a Logical AND between two images.
Both of the images must have mode “1”.
The code below, first converts the images to black and white by first converting to greyscale using .convert(‘L’). Then the .point(point_function, mode=’1’) method is used to convert to black and white.
out = ((image1 and image2) % MAX)
from PIL import Image, ImageChops

def point_function(x):
    if x > 254:
        return 255
        return 0

def get_black_and_white(img):
    imgd = ImageChops.duplicate(img)
    return imgd.convert('L').point(point_function, mode='1')

with Image.open("test_images/crosses.png") as im1:
    im1bw = get_black_and_white(im1)
    with Image.open("test_images/circles.png") as im2:
        im2bw = get_black_and_white(im2)
        im_out = ImageChops.logical_and(im1bw, im2bw)