5. ImageOps colorize

5.1. Colorize

Use the ImageOps.colorize(image, black, white, mid=None, blackpoint=0, whitepoint=255, midpoint=127) method to colorize a grayscale image.
The black and white arguments should be RGB tuples; this function calculates a color wedge mapping all black pixels in the source image to the first color, and all white pixels to the second color.
ImageOps.colorize(image, black, white, mid=None, blackpoint=0, whitepoint=255, midpoint=127)
image - The image to colorize.
black - The color to use for black input pixels.
white - The color to use for white input pixels.
mid - The color to use for midtone input pixels.
blackpoint - an int value [0, 255] for the black mapping.
whitepoint - an int value [0, 255] for the white mapping.
midpoint - an int value [0, 255] for the midtone mapping.
The code below colorizes an image.
The image is converted to greyscale first.
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from PIL import Image, ImageOps

with Image.open("test_images/cliffs.jpg") as im:
    im1 = ImageOps.grayscale(im)
    im1 = ImageOps.colorize(im1, (135,62,35), "white")