17. ImageDraw regular_polygon

To draw polygons that are transparent, relative to each other, the base Image has to be of type RGB, not RGBA, and the ImageDraw has to be of type RGBA.

17.1. Regular_polygon

Use the ImageDraw.regular_polygon(bounding_circle, n_sides, rotation=0, fill=None, outline=None)

method to draw a regular polygon inscribed in bounding_circle, with n_sides, and rotation of rotation degrees.

ImageDraw.regular_polygon(bounding_circle, n_sides, rotation=0, fill=None, outline=None)
bounding_circle - The bounding circle is a tuple defined by a point and radius. (e.g. bounding_circle=(x, y, r) or ((x, y), r)). The polygon is inscribed in this circle.
n_sides - Number of sides (e.g. n_sides=3 for a triangle, 6 for a hexagon).
rotation - Apply an arbitrary rotation to the polygon (e.g. rotation=90, applies a 90 degree rotation).
fill - Color to use for the fill.
outline - Color to use for the outline.
The code below draws a series of 6 triangles rotated about their centre.
The fill uses i from the for loop to alter the colour.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

im = Image.new('RGB', (256, 256), (255, 255, 255))
drw = ImageDraw.Draw(im, 'RGBA')

for i in range(0, 120, 20)
    drw.regular_polygon((128, 128, 120), 3, rotation=i, fill=(255, i, 0, 128), outline=(0, 0, 255, 128))
# im.show()