7. ImageDraw floodfill

7.1. Floodfill

Use the ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy, value, border=None, thresh=0) method to fill a bounded region with a given color, modifying the image in place.
ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy, value, border=None, thresh=0)
xy - Seed position (a 2-item coordinate tuple).
value - Fill color.
border - Optional border value. If given, the region consists of pixels with a color different from the border color. If not given, the region consists of pixels having the same color as the seed pixel.
thresh - Optional threshold value which specifies a maximum tolerable difference of a pixel value from the background in order for it to be replaced. Useful for filling regions of non- homogeneous, but similar, colors.
The code below flood-fills the top left area of the image.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

with Image.open("shapes_jpgs/plus.jpg") as im:
    seed = (20, 20)
    value = (125, 255, 125)
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, seed, value, thresh=50)
    # im.show()