9. ImageDraw fontmode

9.1. Fontmode

Use the ImageDraw.fontmode attribute to set or return the current font drawing mode.
Set to “1” to disable antialiasing or “L” to enable antialiasing.
Then the image is saved.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

fnt = ImageFont.truetype("C:/Windows/Fonts/Segoeui.ttf", 72)
with Image.open("test_images/shapes.jpg") as im:
    drw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    print(drw.fontmode)  # L
    text = "Shapes"
    drw.text((2, 0), text=text, font=fnt, fill=(0, 0, 255))
    drw.fontmode = "I"
    print(drw.fontmode)  # I
    drw.text((2, 100), text=text, font=fnt, fill=(0, 0, 255))
    # im.save("ImageDraw/ImageDraw_fontmode.png")