10. ImageOps deform

10.1. Deform

Use the ImageOps.deform(image, deformer, resample=Resampling.BILINEAR) method to deform an image.
deformer is a deformer object that implements a getmesh method.
Typical deformations include:
Barrel (fisheye) distortion when an image appears more magnified at its centre than its edges.
Pincushion distortion, which is the opposite of barrel distortion.
Perspective distortion such as when a building will appear narrower at the top due to perspective.

10.2. getmesh

The deformation is controlled by a mesh whcih defines one or more rectangular regions on the target image which are aligned with the x and y axes of the image.
For each target region, the mesh defines a quadrilateral region in the source image. The source region is deformed to fit the target rectangle.
The deformer object is any object implement a getmesh function, which: * Accepts the image as a parameter. * Returns a list of mappings.
An example of a single mapping is below:
A mapping takes the form: ((0, 0, 256, 256), (0, 0, 0, 256, 256, 256, 256, 0))
This mapping contains:
The target rectangle, defined by the two points (0, 0) and (256, 256).
The source quad, represented by the four points (0, 0), (0, 256), (256, 256), and (256, 0).
Since the target is a rectangle, aligned to the axes, we can specify it using just two points, the top left and the bottom right. This completely defines the rectangle.
However, for the source quad, we need to specify all four corners:
The top left (ie the corner that maps on to the top left of the target rectangle).
The bottom left.
The bottom right.
The top right.
The classes, in the code below, can be passed in as the deformer object.
SingleDeformer uses a source rectangle that goes off the edge at the top right, while including the rest of the image.
The WaveDeformer class has several parameters to control the use of sine wave transforms in the x and y direction.
The BarrellDeformer class has several parameters to control the use of radial distortions.
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import math

class SingleDeformer:

    def getmesh(self, img):
        #Map a target rectangle onto a source quad
        return [(
                # target rectangle
                (0, 0, 256, 256),
                # corresponding source quadrilateral
                (0, 0, 0, 256, 256, 256, 350, -100)

class WaveDeformer:

    def __init__(self, gridspace=20, sin_period_factor=40, x_dir=True, y_dir=True):
        self.gridspace = gridspace
        self.sin_amp = gridspace / 2
        self.sin_period_factor = sin_period_factor
        self.x_dir = x_dir
        self.y_dir = y_dir

    def transform_y(self, x, y):
        y = y + self.sin_amp * math.sin(x / self.sin_period_factor)
        return x, y

    def transform_x(self, x, y):
        x = x + self.sin_amp * math.sin(y / self.sin_period_factor)
        return x, y

    def transform_xy(self, x, y):
        x2 = x + self.sin_amp * math.sin(y / self.sin_period_factor)
        y2 = y + self.sin_amp * math.sin(x / self.sin_period_factor)
        return x2, y2

    def transform_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
        if self.x_dir and self.y_dir:
            return (*self.transform_xy(x0, y0),
                    *self.transform_xy(x0, y1),
                    *self.transform_xy(x1, y1),
                    *self.transform_xy(x1, y0),
        elif self.x_dir:
            return (*self.transform_x(x0, y0),
                    *self.transform_x(x0, y1),
                    *self.transform_x(x1, y1),
                    *self.transform_x(x1, y0),
        elif self.y_dir:
            return (*self.transform_y(x0, y0),
                    *self.transform_y(x0, y1),
                    *self.transform_y(x1, y1),
                    *self.transform_y(x1, y0),
            return (*self.transform_xy(x0, y0),
                    *self.transform_xy(x0, y1),
                    *self.transform_xy(x1, y1),
                    *self.transform_xy(x1, y0),

    def getmesh(self, img):
        self.w, self.h = img.size
        target_grid = []
        for x in range(0, self.w, self.gridspace):
            for y in range(0, self.h, self.gridspace):
                target_grid.append((x, y, x + self.gridspace, y + self.gridspace))
        source_grid = [self.transform_rectangle(*rect) for rect in target_grid]
        return [t for t in zip(target_grid, source_grid)]

class BarrellDeformer:

    def __init__(self, gridspace=10, k_1=0.2, k_2=0.05):
        self.gridspace = gridspace
        self.k_1 = k_1
        self.k_2 = k_2
        # adjust k_1 and k_2 to achieve the required distortion

    def getmesh(self, img):
        self.w, self.h = img.size
        target_grid = []
        for x in range(0, self.w, self.gridspace):
            for y in range(0, self.h, self.gridspace):
                target_grid.append((x, y, x + self.gridspace, y + self.gridspace))
        source_grid = [self.transform_rectangle(*rect) for rect in target_grid]
        return [t for t in zip(target_grid, source_grid)]

    def transform(self, x, y):
        # center and scale the grid for radius calculation (distance from center of image)
        x_c = self.w/2
        y_c = self.h/2
        x = (x - x_c) / x_c
        y = (y - y_c) / y_c
        radius = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # distance from the center of image
        m_r = 1 + self.k_1 * radius + self.k_2 * radius**2 # radial distortion model
        # apply the model
        x = x * m_r
        y = y * m_r
        # reverse the initial shifting
        x = x * x_c + x_c
        y = y * y_c + y_c
        return x, y

    def transform_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
        return (*self.transform(x0, y0),
                *self.transform(x0, y1),
                *self.transform(x1, y1),
                *self.transform(x1, y0),

with Image.open("test_images/grid.png") as im:
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im, SingleDeformer())
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im, WaveDeformer(gridspace=20, sin_period_factor=40, x_dir=True, y_dir=False))
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im, WaveDeformer(gridspace=20, sin_period_factor=40, x_dir=False, y_dir=True))
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im, WaveDeformer(gridspace=20, sin_period_factor=40, x_dir=True, y_dir=True))

with Image.open("test_images/grid.png") as im:
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im, BarrellDeformer(gridspace=20, k_1=0.2, k_2=0.05))
    im1 = ImageOps.expand(im, border=40)
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im1, BarrellDeformer(gridspace=20, k_1=-0.1, k_2=-0.1))
    im1 = ImageOps.fit(im1, size=(256, 256), centering=(0.5, 0.5))
    im1 = ImageOps.deform(im, BarrellDeformer(gridspace=20, k_1=+0.5, k_2=-0.4))
../_images/compare_deform.png ../_images/compare_deform_distortions.png