1. Image seek

1.1. Seek

Use the Image.seek(frame) method to seek to the given frame in the sequence file, such as a gif.
The method raises an EOFError exception if you seek beyond the end of the sequence.
When a sequence file is opened, the library automatically seeks to frame 0.
frame - Frame number, starting at 0.
Image.n_frames returns the number of frames.

1.2. Seek and save each frame

The code below seeks to each frame and saves it as an RGB image.
from PIL import Image

with Image.open("new_gifs/transform_tilt_x.gif") as im_gif:
    last_frame = im_gif.n_frames
    # im_gif.show()
    # convert RGB before save as jpeg to avoid "IOError: cannot write mode P as JPEG"

    for i in range(last_frame):
        im_gif.convert("RGB").save("image/gifs/gif_frame" + str(i) + ".png")