20. Image split

20.1. Split

Use the Image.split() method to split the image into individual bands (channels) and return a tuple of individual image bands.
For example, splitting an RGB image creates three new images each containing a copy of one of the original bands (red, green, blue).
If you need only one band, getchannel() method can be more convenient and faster.
r, g, b = im.split() is used to split an RGB image into separate bands.
r, g, b, a = im.split() is used to split an RGBA image into separate bands.

20.2. Merging split bands

The code below splits the image into bands then uses those bands to create a new image.
from PIL import Image

with Image.open("test_images/rgb_colors.png") as im:
    r, g, b, a = im.split()
    bl = Image.new("L", im.size, 0)

    im_r = Image.merge("RGBA", (r, bl, bl, a))

    im_b = Image.merge("RGBA", (bl, bl, b, a))