21. ImageDraw textbbox

21.1. Textbbox

Use the ImageDraw.textbbox(xy, text, font=None, anchor=None, spacing=4, align='left', direction=None, features=None, language=None, stroke_width=0, embedded_color=False) method to return the bounding box (left, top, right, bottom, in pixels) of given text relative to q given anchor when rendered in TrueType font.
ImageDraw.textbbox(xy, text, font=None, anchor=None, spacing=4, align='left', direction=None, features=None, language=None, stroke_width=0, embedded_color=False)
xy - The anchor coordinates of the text.
text - Text to be measured. If it contains any newline characters, the text is passed on to ImageDraw.multiline_textbbox`.
font - A ImageFont.FreeTypeFont instance such as ImageFont.truetype("C:/Windows/Fonts/Segoeui.ttf", 24)
anchor - The text anchor alignment. Determines the relative location of the anchor to the text. The default alignment is la for left ascender, top left.
spacing - If the text is passed on to ImageDraw.multiline_textbbox, the number of pixels between lines.
align - If the text is passed on to ImageDraw.multiline_textbbox`, "left", "center" or "right". Determines the relative alignment of lines.
direction - Direction of the text. It can be "rtl" (right to left), "ltr" (left to right) or "ttb" (top to bottom). Requires libraqm.
features - A list of OpenType font features to be used during text layout. This is usually used to turn on optional font features that are not enabled by default, for example "dlig" or "ss01", but can be also used to turn off default font features, for example "-liga" to disable ligatures or "-kern" to disable kerning. Requires libraqm.
language - Language of the text. Different languages may use different glyph shapes or ligatures. This parameter tells the font which language the text is in, and to apply the correct substitutions as appropriate, if available. It should be a BCP 47 language code. Requires libraqm.
stroke_width - The width of the text stroke.
embedded_color - Whether to use font embedded color glyphs (COLR, CBDT, SBIX).
The code below prints the text length for “Shapes” in Segoeui font at 24 point.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

fnt = ImageFont.truetype("C:/Windows/Fonts/Segoeui.ttf", 24)
with Image.open("test_images/shapes.jpg") as im:
    drw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    txt = "Shapes"
    textbbox_val = drw.textbbox((0,0), txt, font=fnt)