4. ImageSequence Iterator

4.1. Iterator

Use the ImageSequence.Iterator(im) class to implement an iterator object that can be used to loop over an image sequence such as a gif.
You can use the [] operator to access elements by index. This operator will raise an IndexError if you try to access a nonexistent frame.
im - An image object.

4.2. Save each frame

The code below iterates over each frame and saves it as a png image.
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence

with Image.open("gifs/transform_tilt_x.gif") as im_gif:
    index = 0
    for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im_gif):
        index += 1
../_images/transform_tilt_x.gif ../_images/gif_frame_is_0.png ../_images/gif_frame_is_7.png ../_images/gif_frame_is_15.png