3. Image crop

3.1. Crop

Use the Image.crop(box=None) method to crop an image.
box - The crop rectangle, as a (left, upper, right, lower) tuple.
The box can be larger than the original image, including negative left and upper.

3.2. Crop smaller

Crop can be used to crop the image to make it smaller.
from PIL import Image

with Image.open("test_images/shapes.png") as im:
    cropx, cropy = 32, 32
    box = (cropx, cropy, im.width - cropx, im.height - cropy)
    im_new = im.crop(box)

3.3. Crop larger

Crop can be used to expand the image in any direction.
from PIL import Image

with Image.open("test_images/shapes.png") as im:
    cropx, cropy = -64, -64
    box = (cropx, cropy, im.width - cropx, im.height - cropy)
    im_new = im.crop(box)